About KateKate Ellison is a NZ Registered, Specialist Dietitian based in Auckland, NZ.
She runs her private practice based in One Tree Hill in Auckland specialising in Diabetes (T1 and T2), weight management and Endocrine conditions. Kate also works in Diabetes and Endocrinology at the Greenlane Clinical Centre in Auckland. She is a Type 1 Diabetes DAFNE trained facilitator and peer reviewer. Kate's dietetic career spans more than 27 years working in both NZ and the UK across a wide variety of clinical specialties in hospital, outpatient and private practice settings. In addition to her clinical work, she spent 12 years managing the Infant Nutrition Advisory Service for Heinz-Watties in NZ. Kate completed five years of undergraduate & post-graduate training at the University of Otago in 1997, and has held Dietetic registration & annual practicing certificates for 26 years. |
As a Registered Dietitian, Kate works alongside a number of highly respected Medical Specialists in NZ, providing Medical Nutrition Therapy to patients & clients.
"I am passionate about helping people improve their health and well-being using evidence-based nutrition treatments which are personalized to each individual. I consult across a variety of clinical areas, and I specialise in Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, weight management and related conditions e.g. metabolic syndrome (high blood pressure, cholesterol, insulin resistance). I also have a keen interest in digestive health conditions, and nutrition during cancer treatment & recovery after my own journey with bowel cancer in 2008". Kate Ellison |
NZ Registered Dietitian 1997-2021
Post-Graduate Diploma in Dietetics/Master Equivalent, University of Otago (1995-1997) Graduate Diploma in Psychology, University of Otago (1995) Bachelor of Science, Human Nutrition, University of Otago (1992-1995) Dietitians NZ (DNZ), NZ Society for the Study of Diabetes (NZSSD), DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating-Type 1 Diabetes) accredited Faciltator/Educator, Dietitian for Bowel Cancer NZ: Nutrition Reviewer/Advisor. |
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